Earlier today, I read an interesting article on quantum physics. It's titled "The cat is dead. The cat is alive." The catchy title obviously peaked my interest . I'm attaching the article, but you will have to click on the photo to enlarge it. The idea is complex and confusing, but very interesting. Since it's based on thought, one would have to believe that if we are to have positive expectations, then there is a possibility that the outcome will be positive. Not always the case, if you've ever tested the theory. I'm an optimist. I believe the cat will be alive. And then, I will chase the cat.
I try not to have many expectations. I love going for rides in the car. Every time I hear the keys jingle I am immediately up and at the door waiting to go, hoping that I will be allowed to go. Rarely do I actually get to go. Disappointment prevails, and at last I'm left staring out the window watching the car drive away without me. I should know by now that I will be informed to grab my jacket, because we're going out. Christina always tells me to get my jacket if she plans on taking me. Though, I never actually grab my jacket, I do have one. It's very suitable in the winter months.
I few posts ago I talked about being reactive like humans. It's something I'm constantly working on. Sometimes I drive myself crazy, trying not to do something. Sometimes I just have to bark, even if it's just one. I have to get it out. I've tried doing the "silent" bark, but it's just not the same. I've even tried writing about the bark, I even read about barking. There are days when nothing can subside the urge. Today I barked a little at something I didn't need to bark at.
We create what we feel, what we want. We manifest. I thought so much about not doing something, I had no choice but to do it. To satisfy a deep, heart-aching call to action. The problem is that most of the time, things are not what they seem. Sometimes that deep, heart-aching call is just a reaction. An assumption. A call of attention to a situation, for resolution.
I'm having another deep, heart-aching call to action right now...it's a bag a pretzels sitting on the table next to me. On another note, I fear that I may be eating my emotions, but more on that later.
(click to enlarge article)
You do rock, Kiddy. Smart pup!
ReplyDeleteLOL, boys account again. Bella thinks you rock!
ReplyDeleteHello Kiddy. I'm Kyro the cat. I'm a huge fan of your blog and find you quite handsome. Are you single? BTW, I really enjoyed the cat article and although it's very interesting, I can assure you that the cat is alive!